Yesterday we decided to spend the whole day in the city center of Metz. In a couple of months, Muse (commercial center) will open its doors and I am really excited about that. I know that a lot of people in the city center fear this opening as they feel that perhaps shoppers will prefer to go to Muse. Problem is, car park in the city center is a bit expensive, but on the other hand, I feel that shopping in the city center is more of a leisure. You definitely need to reserve an afternoon or even a day to just walk and shop at your own pace.
So this is what we decided to do. After a good breakfast at home, we took the bus to the city center.

First stop - Yves Rocher

Every month, I receive in my mailbox their offers, which I find interesting. Here’s what I was able to avail this time: 2 buy 1-take 1 products, 50% off of a product, and 3 free goodies (an agenda, to-do list, and a mini shower product).
The Husband and I are thinking of getting Baby Girl her own phone for security reasons. She’s only 9 years old though. What do you think? So the second stop was in the Orange store, but we left phone-less for now.

Next, we went to my current favorite store, Nature et Decouvertes. I absolutely love it and wish I could buy most of what they’re selling. Somebody help me.

I think I spent 20 minutes in the tea section. I have made a mental note to buy a new teacup and teapot soon.

We had lunch at Casa Ricci, which is a rustic Italian restaurant. I’ve heard of this place for so long now and I was so glad to finally be able to try it. Thankfully, I remembered to call earlier in the morning to reserve because they kept turning down clients during lunch. People know good restaurants and this is definitely it!

The next blog post will be all about Casa Ricci but here’s a little preview of what we had.

After a delicious lunch, we decided to put a pause on shopping and eating. Instead we decided to be tourists by riding « Le Petit Train Touristique ». The train went around the city of Metz, slowing down for the landmarks, while a recorded voice told us a little of the history of the city in a headphone. This took about 45 minutes and cost 7 Euros (for adults) and 5 Euros (for children). Too bad, the train driver was a bit rude. He barely glanced at me when I was asking for information. Oh well.

The Cathedral of Metz is one of the most beautiful churches I’ve ever been to. As usual, we went in to light a candle and say a prayer. As we were going in, I heard the Husband behind me saying something about how the cathedral always takes his breath away. I feel the same.

One of Baby Girl’s favorite store is Mr. Simms Olde Sweet Shoppe. A candy store – of course it’s her favorite. We grabbed a couple of sweets that we probably shouldn’t have.

Just in front of the candy store is one of the stores I go from time to time to pick up new candles, Le Petit Endroit. I can’t wait to try my new purchases. They feel so good!
Unfortunately, it started raining cats and dogs and all we wanted to do at this point was go home. Perhaps it was a sign for us to stop spending money. LOL. We’ve lived in the city of Metz for 1 year now and we really do love it. Sure, we’re far away from the beach (that’s very hard for us), but there are beautiful landscapes and green spaces here. Not to mention, impressive architecture, delicious restaurants, and great shopping stores! 😊