We woke up this morning in my sister's newly renovated guest bedroom. Ahh that a good night's sleep! I tried looking outside the window hoping to see snow, but unfortunately it's another non-white Christmas. Maybe next year? We'll see.

As the day before, my sister went above and beyond with the food. Last night we feasted on fish and seafood (sadly, I didn't take any photos). Today we feasted on Foie Gras for our starters and Roe Deer and Vegetables for our main dish. Oh wait, we also had Oysters as well. Fresh oysters and my sister asked me to make my famous Cheesy Baked Oysters (click here for the recipe video and post).
I was so happy because my great-uncle loved the Baked Oysters. I was sitting beside him and he gave me the sweetest compliment ever. ❤️❤️

We were more or less the same number as last night. Unfortunately some had to work, but I was so happy that my nephew and his girlfriend joined us today. I tried to spend as much time with the kids because I don't know when I will see them again. And when I will see them, I'm sure they will have all grown up so much already!

I know that Foie Gras is a big debate around the world. For my part, I have honestly thought about not eating Foie Gras anymore. The whole gavage process is spine-chilling. My sister makes a sort of jelly that she serves with the Foie Gras - it is absolutely wonderful and I must say I enjoy it more than the Foie Gras!
Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos of the oysters as I was too busy preparing them and eating. Hahaha. I love oysters raw and baked, so I can't really tell which one I prefer. Hmmmm ... no, no I can't choose - it's too hard!

While waiting for the main dish, we gave my sister and brother-in-law our Christmas gift to them. I'd like to think that they were surprisingly surprised and pleased. We made everyone guess and no one did! Hahaha. I won't let you know what I got them yet. I think I'll make a dedicated post to the gifts in a few days.

As I mentioned earlier, my sister prepared Roasted Roe Deer, Green Beans, Pommes Dauphine, and Vitelotte Purée. The meat was so juicy and tender and the accompanying sauce ... oh so delicious! My sister definitely knows how to cook game meat!
We finished our meal with the traditional Buche de Noel. I really really want to try making one from scratch. That will be my goal for next Christmas!
After lunch, we hung out several hours with the family until we headed home. Unfortunately, the Husband is going back to work tomorrow. 😭😭
So, how was your Christmas celebration?