Hey, you! It’s that time of the month again for me to show you the beauty boxes I received for the month of July. Just like the month of June (click here for the post), I stuck with the three – Glossybox, My Little Box, and Birchbox. And just like last month, I was pleasantly surprised but a little disappointed too.

Glossybox – Summer Bag (15.50 Euros / month)
Surprise, surprise … we received the July and August box together. So instead of getting 5 products, I got 12! But this also means that I won’t be opening any box in August. Sad. Here are the products (I wasn’t able to try all of the products yet) :
Lilas Blanc body scrub
Qiriness leg wrap
Elgan cleansing conditioner
Youthlab sunscreen cream
De Bruyere eau de beauté Aloha
Monu after sun lotion
Mon Joli Sautoir tattoo
Palmers hydrating milk
Benefit Dew the Hoola liquid bronzer
Luxie contouring brush
Rodial mascara
Papanga hair tie
If you’re interested in subscribing to this box, here is my referral code: https://gbx.to/r/FRCI=NDIxNzc4

My Little Box – Coquillages (16.90 Euros / month)
La Pochette Reveuse (it can turn into an inflatable pillow!)
My Little Beauty body scrub
Le Roudoudou candy
Adopt eau de parfum – Aqua Liguria
Garancia cleansing water
Unfortunately the referral code is still not up on the website. 😩

Birchbox – Summer Box (13 Euros)
*Birchbox Comb
*Kueshi Shampoo
*Polaar eye contour
*Laqa & co cheeky lip
*Senteurs d’Orient Soap
If you’re interested in subscribing to this box, here is my referral code: https://birchbox.fr?raf=d991506857