Hey, you! 🎄🎄
Hold the phone everyone - it's finally December!
Well I say finally, but not really because the year feels like it just went whoosh 💨💨.
We were just starting 2021 and we're now about to begin 2022. What happened???

Anyways, December is always a very special month for us. November is a very particular period since my dad passed away. I go through these moments of sadness and blues and so when it's the first of December it feels like a breath of fresh air.
And it's also my birth month! In about 2 weeks, I will officially be 36 years old.
I don't think my younger self thought wondered how my year 36 would be like, but I'm pretty happy with my life. Of course, there are the lows - that' s a given. But I have come a long way and I have a beautiful daughter, a loving husband, and a sweet dog. There's not much else I would want.
Anyways, we are on top of things here. The Christmas Tree is up and our living room is fully decorated. The Husband and I had so much fun filming two IG reels. I was surprised by all the positive comments I received yesterday.

We were super excited to open our Advent Calendar. We have several this year. S and I each have a Lindt Assorted Lindor calendar (click here), the Husband has a Lindt Milk Chocolate calendar (click here), and Bogart the Pug has a Dog Treat one (click here).

Oh and I also have 2 more - a Yves Rocher one (click here) and a Pukka Tea (click here). We all love them! ♥️♥️
How about you? How do you feel about this period of the year?