Hey, you! 🌞
The weekend was a pretty chill one. Although it was sunny outside, we decided to stay home and just enjoy. We did go out in the morning very quickly to go grocery shopping, but after that we stayed in. It's still very cold outside. When we went to church this morning, the cars were icy . This is one thing I don't miss at all - scraping ice from the car windshield!
Anyways, we finally finished season 3 of Only Murders in the Building. I'll post about it here soon. If you want to read about season 1 and 2, click here and here. It's probably one of my favorite series ever!
For last night's dinner, we enjoyed some store-bought pizza while watching Star Academy. This is a French show, which is basically a reality show, but without the sex and inappropriate behavior. Oh and there's singing involved. This is actually one of the first reality shows in France, but I was never really interested. But my sister got me addicted when I stayed with her at home last Christmas. By the way, next week is the show's last week already!

This week we'll be celebrating La Chandeleur, otherwise known as France National Crepe Day. Yummmm!! There's no need to say more - I'm always down for Crepes. In fact, I filmed a video this weekend so I can share with you my foolproof recipe. Watch out for it!
Have a wonderful day! ☀️
xoxo Elodie
☀️ Amazon Links:
↳ Digital Kitchen Scale: https://amzn.to/3Uj5mZT
↳ Kenmore Hammond Flat Bottom Carbon Steel Wok: https://amzn.to/49dC0Am
↳ Frying Pans Nonstick: https://amzn.to/3OgSVKf
↳ Unbreakable Ramen Bowl Set with Chopsticks and Spoon: https://amzn.to/47Va3MS
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